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Re: RC: Best maintenance of osteoarthritis in a long distance horse?

At 08:09 PM 08/23/2000 -0500, Jasmine Cave wrote:
>glucosamine 10 grams/day
>manganese 100 mg/day
>copper 50 mg/day
>zinc 150 mg/day
>vit c 5 grams/day
>bioflavanoids 25 grams/day
>methionine 1-2 grams/day
>also could add
>MSM 10 grams/day
>chondroitin 7.5 grams/day
>(from "keeping the older horse young" by Eleanor Kellon VMD)

I have a question regarding chondroitin.  I have had 2 "people" doctors 
(including my orthopedic surgeon) & 2 "dog" vets tell me that chondroitin 
can not be absorbed by the body because the molecules are too 
large.  Conclusions are suppose to be based on human and canine 
studies.  Is this true for horses also?

At what point do y'all start giving glucosamine?  I'm trying to fight 
arthritis in myself (along with trying to avoid further surgery) & my dog, 
so I want to start Spellbinder on glucosamine earlier rather than 
later.  He's only 3.5, so there isn't a rush in regards to the number of 
miles we are doing.  Just want to know when this gets added.

Vicki Wheeler & Spellbinder
Knoxville, TN 

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