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Re: New FEI standards -- Olympics coverage

At 10:15 AM 8/28/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Sue
>Yea but to get those brief recaps, they usually shoot the whole thing
>"looking" for train wrecks". The very things we want to avoid are what
>makes coverage exciting. I still would love to see the sport as an
>Olympic event and think there would be more policing activities if it

I agree with you here.  Steve's in the newspaper business...If it BLEEDS,
it LEADS!  No blood, no coverage (or at least not much and it would be on
the back page.)  The quality of competition would be regulated and
watched...and good, ethical competition would not get much coverage since
there aren't many "wrecks" in endurance...or are there a lot of viewers
tuning in because of their already established interest.  They only thing
they'd have to look for in the realm of attracting viewers would be some
sort of errant conduct.  This is not publicity I would want in a sport
where not many viewers would know about it before hand.  It would throw
this discipline into a bad light from the start.  The best we can hope for
is to have it become part of the Olympics and then get very little coverage
-- meaning that there weren't any scandals involved.

Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.

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