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RC: Fencing across a creek

Barb Peck

The farmer next door has used the following set-up  in the River
that runs thru our properties.. this deters cows, so I'm sure
it will a horse.  And it's cheap.

In hardware stores here, we can buy bright yellow twisted
nylon rope... it floats nicely.  He runs it thru 2 styro-foam
buoys (they have loops at the the kind that mark
swimming areas).

The banks of this river are steep.  On each side of
the river bank, there's a post, and from the post, there's
a lenghth of yellow rope that goes down over the bank, attached to a truck tire
that's not quite in the water (the tire lays along the bank).
The "river fence" is attached to these tires,  and just floats
on the top.

This River is about 20 feet across, and changes depth from a
few feet to about 10 feet, depending on how much rain we get.
The fence goes up and down with the river depth.

In the spring when we have flooding (and I mean FLOODING)
he usually rolls it up so he doesn't lose it. The cows
won't go in the River then anyway, as  the  current is very

It looks pretty weird..but people who canoe down this river, 
can float right over the nylon rope.. so no one's complained
about it.


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