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RE: Impaction

I wrote to Dr. Worth about her product and she wrote back saying that she
didn't export (not that I'm importing anyway with the freight, customs and
all) but that it could probably be made with local ingredients. Looks to me
like a relatively straightforward electrolyte mix with a few additives. I'd
like to hear from our scientific crowd though. Tom? Sarah? Susan?

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt
What is TractGard?
TractGard: GI tract re-hydrator, antacid & digestaid: contact me for a free
This product is an Equine GI tract rehydrator, antacid and digestaid.
Designed by Melyni Worth, an equine nutritionist, to help with excess
acidity following grain feeding and to increase fluid retention in the GI
tract and to minimize chances of impaction colics.  TractGard will NOT
interfere or react with other supplements.

Indications are:

*Before shipping or showing.  At strange show grounds or other places where
your horse may not drink.
*For those chilly nights in the fall or spring when horses do not drink well
*Any time your horse may be a risk for colic - such as, but not limited to,
*Best fed with grain ration:  it helps to minimize acidity from excell
*Contains Diamond V Yeast, which will improve digestion of fiber and
*Get peace of mind knowing that your horse will drink and you have minimized
his chances of impaction colic
*Easty to feed pelleted formula.  Just add to grain ration.

    TractGard is a mix of mineral salts and electrolytes, designed to pull
water into the GI tract and to buffer excess acids.  Diamond V yeast to help
with good digestions and Linseed meal to provide mucilage to keep the stools
soft. Diamond V also helps with fiber and protein digestion which should
result in improved weightgain, coat condition and hoof growth with regular
use of the TractGard.
    TractGard will cause your horse to drink and hence keep more water
available for digestion.  Especially useful in the fall and spring when
horses often typically do not drink well.  Make sure fresh water is
available to horses getting TractGard.
    It keeps the digesta more fluid, and therefore minimizes or prevents
impaction colics.  You will need to monitor carefully your horse's stools
and water consumption, at least in the beginning.  The more fluid digesta
may restul in more fluid stools, but this is only a temporary effect.  If
the stools are too lose then decrease the dosage of TractGard.  Recommended
increments:  Start out with about 1/2 tablespoonful (1/2 oz.) per day, than
increase to up to 1/2 - 1 oz. per meal.  You can go up to six
tablespoonfuls, but experiment at the recommended increments with your horse
to find what dosage suits him best.
    TractGard is designed to be fed on a daily basis but can be fed on an as
needed basis quite safely.

  TractGard contains:
Calcium Carbonate
Sodium Sesquiscarbonate
Potassium Chloride
Magnesium Sulfate
Distillers Grains
Diamond V Yeast
Linseed Meal

-----Original Message-----
From: Rides 2 Far []
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: RC: RE: Impaction

MaryAnn, please send me the info when you get it. I have a local rider
who has just retired a horse she loves because she colics in competition.
I'd like to pass it along.


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