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Dreamweaver obviously does not agree with me. However you
 must admit that Tevis is not a ride for amatuers! Sure 
some novices with no experience will make it through, if 
they have a good horse and a good crew. But don't you 
think there would be a higher completion rate overall if 
these riders and horses have already proven they can successfully complete a long distance ride. Don't you think 
it takes a little experience to know when your horse is nearing
its' limit?And if you look at the top ten finishers, these are not novices, mostof them are people who are experienced endurance riders who know this trail and ride it all the time.
It is no accident that they finished where they did. Sure other experienced riders did not finish due to some bad luck ,one misstep and a horse can pull a muscle. But overall you must admit it would be better for the riders to have some kind 
of experience before attempting this ride. By the way 72 
riders from California finished the ride vs. 45 from out 
of state. I have actually heard a person say "Oh, I was 
out riding my horse and some guy who was an endurance rider 
said my horse would make a great endurance horse."This 
person subsequently entered her 5 yr. Arabian in the Tevis! 
With no endurance knowledge whatsoever,about electrolytes, conditioning, or what the trail was like! Luckily she
 backed out before the ride start when she realized she 
was in over her head. At least a qualifying ride would 
prevent something like that from happening.

    Check it Out!    

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