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In a message dated 1/16/00 10:09:31 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< You also have to have "traveling papers" in NM & some other states - here 
 it's a card you have to carry with you when your horse is off your 
 property.  In order to get one of the cards, the horse has to be inspected 
 by the brand inspector.  No brand, no card.  >>

If so, that's different than in other states--generally, a horse need not be 
branded to get a brand inspection and a card.  Here in Oregon, brand 
inspection is standard procedure, and one can get temporary slips or for more 
$$, a permanent card.  We get the cards on those that we plan to haul very 
much, and just the temporary slips on those making an occasional trip (such 
as a broodmare going out to breed, or one that is sold, or whatever).  Very 
few of our horses are branded (those that are have Registry freeze brands on 
the neck); we've thought a lot about branding but just haven't done it.  The 
lack of a brand does not stop us from getting brand inspections--the 
inspector comes out and does a complete description of the horse INCLUDING 
the fact that he has no brand (actually, now they take photos which go on the 
cards instead of the old drawings) and his physical description including 
markings, scars, etc., becomes the basis for ID'ing him.


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