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RC: Re: Re: carbs and heart rate

> I have yet to find a type of hay (other than alfalfa) that he will really
> down; thence the larger portions of grain.
> Laura,
> N. Fla.
Hi Laura
I agree all horses have different metabolisms, a fundamental principle, but
there are some basic rules and I don't think you can really compensate lack
of forage intake with increased grain intake, they fulfill different
purposes in nutrition.
Will your boy eat chaff?  Molassed chaff?  This would be one way of upping
his forage intake.  Perhaps you've tried this already.
If he's on a high concentrate ration this could make him hyper which
wouldn't help the fact that he doesn't keep weight on, sort of vicious
The chaff also slows down their rate of intake, particularly important when
you're feeding pellets.
Anyway I'm just fishing here because I don't know what his routine is, does
he have access to pasture etc.
What does everybody else think.

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