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Re: RC: Re: Oakland Hills Incident
In a message dated 7/1/00 6:23:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
darolyn@swbell.net writes:
<< BTW... I've been intending to share this with all of ride camp. We very
narrowly missed killing a fine mare a few weeks ago who was colicing (a
pasture colic-early one morning-- absolute NOT ride related) & made the
mistake of going thru to the coratid (sp) artery. Oh my God!!!! What a
trauma.... when I think of all the casual i.v. shots I have given over the
years... it makes me cringe... they go into convulsions, they throw
themselves around, (that's what usually kills them or blows them away) for
10 minutes this mare was manical, she was burned, banged, scattered &
splattered all over her body. She's ok now... but for pete sakes... be
careful when giving that i.v. injection... It was truly one of the most
horrendous experiences of our horse life. Ask your vet to explain to you in
detail what happens & how to avoid it. >>
Yep, better to leave the vet stuff to the vets--but pick the right vets--they
can easily make the same mistake--one of our clients' horses died from that
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