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Fwd: RC: Fwd: RC: Horse abusers need to be stopped

In a message dated 6/30/00 11:23:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< ders whip their horses to go 
 faster, should we name them all in EN?  When Rocky jumps at something and 
 is stupid, and I smack him with my rommel will I have to worry about being 
 charged with cruelty? >>

Smacking a horse is way off from abuse!!!!  smacking a horse is like giving a 
child a swat on the behind to get his attention.  Abuse it beating a horse 
with, spurs, crops, sticks etc. until he shuts down mentally and just endures 
the pain and this is NOT acceptable no matter who is doing it.  It CAN and 
should be stopped.

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Jeeezus.....people are getting carried away here.  RC isn't the place for 
this --- hell, I've seen a lot of prominent riders whip their horses to go 
faster, should we name them all in EN?  When Rocky jumps at something and 
is stupid, and I smack him with my rommel will I have to worry about being 
charged with cruelty?

Until somebody has official word from a vet or an autopsy report, I think 
everybody should stop placing blame and think about how they would feel if 
their horse died. Even then, I don't think it is appropriate to be naming 
names and slandering somebody in a public forum such as RC.  At least have 
some consideration and use some discretion in the matter.


> >From  Fri Jun 30 20:03:30 2000
>Resent-Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 20:03:44 -0700 (PDT)
>Old-Return-Path: <>
>Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 20:49:00 -0600
>To: Ridecamp <>
>From: Lif Strand <>
>Subject: RC:   Horse abusers need to be stopped
>At 02:40 PM 6/30/00 -0700, Patrick wrote:
>>All the vets were aware of him, yet could not stop him. Riders were
>>aware of what he did but again could not stop him. Ride managers could
>>do nothing within the guidelines of the AERC. I have talked to many 
>>riders who
>>have witnessed him whipping his tired horse to go faster.
>I personally do not like to run to authorities, preferring to try to deal 
>directly with people, but in this case it seems that people have given it 
>a good try already to no avail.  So, seems to me that maybe some brave 
>souls should consider filing animal cruelty charges against him.  Is this 
>possible?  Would anyone who has witnessed his behavior care to take steps 
>now to protect his next horse?  Could/would AERC take a stance if actual 
>witnesses filed complaints?  Lif
>providing you with alternatives for your life
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