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Re: RC: Horse abusers need to be stopped

In a message dated 6/30/00 6:36:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Oh, they can stop it if they want to bad enough.  There are probably 
already rules
 and criteria that could pull this guy.  There also ought to be a one-year-to
 permanent ban on abusers, and an endurance version of "lemon of the year" 
 Come on, AERC!  These types reinforce every bad myth about our sport! >>

Once again, someone is being tarred and feathered here with no facts 
available.  Maybe there is guilt here, maybe not.  Sometimes horses die, no 
matter how careful we are.  Sometimes they die out in the pasture doing 
absolutely nothing, too.  Susan is right that this sport is one of the most 
carefully monitored to prevent abuse or even unintentional problems, or at 
least catch them before any real damage is done--but NO monitoring system can 
be 100% effective.  If this person truly IS guilty of overriding, then shame 
on him/her.  But if there was a legitimate problem here and someone is 
hurting over the sudden loss of a horse, then shame on all of you who have 
placed blame in this forum without backing up your accusations with facts.


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