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Re: RC: Shoes, blood flow, and endurance

In a message dated 6/30/00 9:36:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< do any of you ride in endurance rides with barefoot horses or have you 
ever heard of it?
    Riding a horse or mule without shoes or some sort of hoof protection is 
not allowed by the AERC.  They must have some sort of hoof protection during 
an event.
    More than likely your horse would get very foot sore during conditioning 
anyway.  We ware shoes down very thin just in 4 weeks.  I don't know of any 
hoofs that a stronger than medal.  If you don't want to put shoes on, then 
consider Easyboots.
    If you live in a sandy area then you might get away without shoes during 
conditioning but not all rides are sandy.

Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products

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