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Re: Posted today on a mostly Dressage Riders' BB . . .

I now have about 100 copies of Angie's replay.

Angie, you were very kind. You didn't mention chains around the ankles, 
gingering, people shaking rattles and aborting mares on stage, the other 
dozen methods of soring show horses, the veterinary patch-up needle, built-up 
shoes that look like stilts, riding horses through jumps they can't get 
over--none of that. Nor any of the dozens of other things done to horses in 
the name of sport--hell, I can think of another 100 abuses just in 

And you didn't even bother to estimate the IQs of the people involved in each 
of the equine sports--I could have helped there--have half a dozen 
quadruple-blind studies in hand. And you very kindly didn't get into 
Officialdom--where the IQs typically plummet like oxygen on tall mountains in 
some equine sports. 

No, you were very kind. If I'd had more experience in this sport, I'd have 
answered--and we'd have a full-fledged Range War on our hands. 


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