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Whatever happened to...and USET ride results

<< Kerry Dykes wrote:
 > Ohadi Las Tradd, Valerie Kanavy's new horse that was smoking last
 > year?  Haven't seen that he's done ride since November........Kerry >>

To anyone interested:

Hadi was competing at the USET 50 mile ride yesterday and was pulled at the 
first stop.  A Kanavy recruit was riding him but not sure of her name.  My 
horse, Carpediem, was pulled at the same stop after losing a shoe and 
developing a hitch in his get along.

Bearcat O'Reilly, a Kanavy horse, won the ride by a few inches in a four 
horse runoff.  Kristen Snook was riding Bearcat.  Second place was Norma 
House's 18 year old bay mare whose name escapes me.  Third was Patti Pizzo's 
horse, "Sam," who was ridden be Valerie K.  Fourth was Asterisk, Dinah 
Rojek's steady partner.  I only know a few more details.  Carol Pillotis was 
6th and Steve Rojek was 7th or 8th.  Steve and another couple of riders were 
slowed while attending to a woman who was seriously injured in a bad fall on 
pavement.  Unfortunately, I don't know her name, but understand she had a 
concussion and broken leg.  Steve said he rode up to a house to put in a call 
to 911.  

Thirty-three horses started the USET ride.  The winning time was just under 
five hours.  I left for home before finding out any more news.  And to top 
off the disappointment of getting pulled, I had a dramatic tire blowout on 
the way home.  Not my weekend...

Debi Gordon

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