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Kidney or bladder problem
Terry Emmitt tle01@health.state.ny.us
Hi... I'm looking for some antedotal information on problems
with blood in the urine - not tying up (at least I think not).
My 21 yr old Qh gelding has just been put back into work over a
two month period, starting with an hour of light riding and
working up to trot/canter work for 20 minutes of it. Last week,
His urine after work was dark brown. I called the vet and he
said, work him, then I'll come out and take blood. At the
beginning of that ride, the urine was yellow, by the end it
was dark red. The blood test showed 'nothing alarming' and
next I took a urine sample in (a yellow one, I didn't have the
heart to work him into red). Well, today my vet advised me that
there is blood in the yellow sample. He will be coming to do
an exam later in the week. He's not too informative, although
a very well respected horse vet. Originally, he suspected tying up
but there was no indication in the blood. He mentioned kidney
or bladder and said I could keep him on turnout but not to ride
I searched the archives and found a comment from 'Linda' about
kidney stones. Do anyone have comments on what it could be?
Also, what if he does have stones or some sort of tumor? Are
these problems indicative of the beginning of the end, or is it
something treatable or manageable?
Thanks for all your help....
Terry & Buddy
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