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Re: RC: Custom Grain/Beet Pulp Mix (1a)

I wanted to thank EVERYONE who wrote to me with suggestions on my feeding of beet pulp.  THANK YOU.  The entire idea of feeding something new is scary, but beet pulp is much safer than more grain which I couldn't safely add.  Beauty lost more weight with this
foal than I anticipated, so feeding her up is a big goal of mine.  She looks good, but I want to see more flesh over the tailhead, and a bit less rib. (although the vet says she isn't too thin, just thin, and needed more calories.)

And this filly has the prettiest medicine hat patterning, much more color than most, and dark eyes rather than the blue I ususally get from a sabino/tobiano. She does the cutest little foxtrot and has a pretty head.  However, she has the flattest set of withers
I have EVER seen on a horse and I cannot help but wonder how I'm ever gonna find a saddle to fit and a crupper is gonna be a must have, kinda strange as her full brother has the nicest saddlebred type withers (and the ugliest head and worst color pattern I've
ever seen<G>)

Anyway, thank you all for all your help, and I will go dive into the archives, and Darolyn, I'll be sure to ask about your feed at our co-op.
Karla Dick  (Fluffs and Foxtrotters)

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