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Turning in a violation

    Tracey, your right, I wasn't speaking to you.  Sorry, if you thought I 
was.  I just get tired of how things get turned around when someone cuts one 
or two sentences out, and comments on that without taking the whole story in 
tack.  This is done without knowing that it can get pretty turned around 
during a thread or topic.
    Along (yrs) time ago, I was at a ride that 5 or 6 front riders went off 
course.  When I came into the vet check I was concerned about not seeing any 
hoof prints on the trail.  I yelled out "Am I on the right course?!"  They 
officials told me, "Yes, come on in!"  I was the first horse to come in on 
course.  I was running about 5th place and left the VC in 7th or 8th place.  
There were 2 horses that came in somehow before me and the other horses had 
gained anywhere from 20 to 25 minutes on me.  Two, I knew, were behind me 
earlier on the trail.  I did pass two or three again and finished around 4th 
or 5th.  But, what happen after that was worrying me dearly.  I was 
approached by at least 10 other riders that wanted me to protest the ride.  I 
said to them, "The RM & AERC needs $100. to do this."  At the time, I didn't 
have $100. to my name.  I even asked all of the riders that were calling me 
at home, to help pitch in the money and get together on this.  NO, they 
didn't want to get involved!  I had a hard and long time getting over this.  
The RM was upset with me and so were a lot of the riders.  It was not a good 
thing.  So, I simply wrote a letter explaining to AERC what happened.  Some 
people were upset that I didn't complain and some were mad that I did.  It 
wasn't a formal complaint (with date & money) so nothing happened.
    I've been very concerned about some of the infractions that have been 
going on in our region and I want the people that are doing such things to 
realize that we are on to them.  This way, maybe they will stop and/or slow 
down, the by passing of the AERC rules.
    One of the hardest things to get riders to do is complain about a rule 
violation.  For some reason they are worried about turning it in.  You do 
have some problem with people in camp glaring at you after you have made your 
complaint though.
    If just one or two people in a region complain over and over the AERC 
starts to wonder if it's just not "The Complainer" that has a problem.  So it 
would be helpful if more riders took it upon themselves to state a problem, 
when it happens.  It's not easy, I know.
    After reading all of the infractions that riders were reporting, seems 
that they should start talking to AERC or RM's on the spot.  If violators 
thought others were going to turn them in during a ride they would probably 
stop.  It sure would make things easier for everyone and the AERC at that 
point, and in the long run.  Hopefully??
    This sport is supposed to be on the honor system.  So lets keep it that 
way.  Honest and Fun!
Tammy Robinson

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