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Re: RC: NO dogs at Limestone Challange

In a message dated 5/23/00 11:32:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<<  The people who own the property Limestone Challange camps on do not want 
any dogs in camp. Please leave your dogs at home. >>

I'll be interested to see how many dogs you end up with in camp.  I attended 
a ride a few weeks ago where the entry very clearly stated "absolutely no 
dogs...leave your dogs at home!"  Even though I was driving 6 hours alone to 
the ride, I left my dogs at home.  I really enjoy having them with me when 
I'm travelling alone and for some odd reason they do make me feel safer and 
help to keep me awake on that long drive home after riding 50 miles (the Jack 
Russel sure can tell a good joke :).  When I arrived at camp there were five 
or six dogs romping around and to make it worse, they weren't even on 
leashes.   The unfairness of it just made me mad.  I'd love to see ride 
managers (as though you don't have enough to do, eh?) enforce the "no dog" 
thing when it is stated on the entry -- deny entry to people who can't even 
follow that simple of an instruction.  This is a pet peeve of mine -- people 
who think the rules just aren't intended for them.

Sylvia, Molly & Sage (border collie and JRT)

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