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Re: RC: Tevis

In a message dated 5/19/00 5:17:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<<  Secondly about the trail itself, how much food and H2O is available at 
 the stops?  I don't know how easily our crew will be able to get to the 
 stops.  I can carry lytes, but not hay.  I also need H2O replacement for 
 myself. >>

Hi Roberta!  There are only 2 stops where crews can easily get to you -- 
Robinson Flat and Forest Hill.  At all the other stops there is plenty of 
people & horse water, hay, and usually bran mashes plus some great volunteers 
to hold your horse for you if need be.  Some people send a crew to Dusty 
Corners, but in order to do that you basically have to have 2 completely 
separate crews because of driving times.  I carry lots of little nibbly stuff 
 with me and a couple of e-lyte syringes for my horse (don't forget the Advil 
too :).  Then I can replenish supplies at Robinson and Forest Hill.  The 
Tevis is a very well run ride and has a great bunch of volunteers who pretty 
much look like Gods by the time you ride into some of those VCs!  Oh yeah, 
one other piece of advice.....go AROUND Cougar Rock :))  Great picture, but 
the trail around is sooooo much safer that I'll never ride over that stinkin' 
rock again <g>  Good luck and hope to meet you at Robie Park or Auburn -- 
when we get our buckles (positive thinking here :).

Sylvia & Harca (Harca is going for his 6th Tevis finish this year!)

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