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Re: RC: shoes

>Why Not?  Both of us (my horse and I) enjoy it and have the time.  Is>it
not ok to just go on a ride and enjoy my horse?  I really thought I>could
get some useful help here in reference to >shoeing issues, but I>see not.

Whoa!  Chill out girlfriend.  So, to me 2-4 hours EVERY day sounds
excessive.  Remember, this is an endurance list so the first mental image
I get is one of the new people who are sure "more is better" and over
*train* (not just ride).  If you're out pleasure riding, more power to
ya.  When I was little I said I rode 8 hours a day.  Actually my pony
wore her bridle 8 hours a day, much of that dragging the reins around
grazing while I watched  her while laying on my favorite tree
limb,...then we raced, then sat around on our ponies and talked, etc. 
Nowadays when we say 2-4 hours we usually mean *train* as in "keep up the

What kind of surface are you riding on?  All my friends seem to really go
through their shoes and I don't.  However, they tend to spend more time
on roads and gravel than I do.  When I have a set I need to stretch a
little between rides, I stay away from the pavement. Still, if I wanted
to ride 2-4 hours EVERY day I'd have two horses and always be legging one
up for re-sale.  It's a way to pay the main horse's upkeep, and one horse
won't have to support your addiction.


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