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Temporary move -- with horse

Need info fast with which to negotiate.

My company is *asking* me to agree to a possible assignment (still in the
proposal stage with the prospective client) in the East Bay area, scheduled
to run March-September.  The only way I would willingly join the project is
if they trade very minimal visits home in exchange for subsidizing the
round-trip transport of my horse via a *very good* hauler and also subsidize
the differential in boarding costs.

How much would transport likely cost?  (Oh, of course, I'd also need a
boxcar for my horsey 'stuff' <g>.)  He travels well, at least on short
trips; haven't tried anything long yet.

Where would be a good area to board my gelding?  Would need someplace with
immediate access to good trails because I won't have a trailer.  What would
it likely cost?  (I currently pay $210 for full board -- at pasture 24/7 and
in his stall twice daily for grain and supplements -- board includes the
grain, and hay when needed, while I buy the beet pulp, biotin and SeE -- no
extra charge for administration of the beet pulp and supplements.)

Am I asking for trouble in even thinking about this?  Would I be running a
significant risk that the change in diet and environment could result in
something like colic?

All advice appreciated.

Cindy Eyler

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