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Re: RC: American River Ride

In a message dated 5/2/00 5:14:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Since 1995 we have been working with the organizers of the American River 
Ride to get them to comply with department policy on this subject.  We have 
had no cooperation from the organizers of this event, despite repeated 
requests. >>

Dear Mr. Williamson:

If your conflict is with the organizers, then YOU deal with the organizers.  
Harrassing the riders is exactly that--harrassment.  The organizers are the 
ones who hold the permit--not the riders.  It is not up to the riders to 
enforce your permit conditions.

Furthermore, the tactics used were unconscionable.  A civil visit could have 
been made in daylight hours to check if campers complied.  Badges and guns 
used in the middle of the night by government employees in positions of power 
to intimidate citizens are out of line, unless you want to incite citizens to 
exercise their second amendment rights.  In addition, the fourth amendment 
protects citizens from search of their property (my living quarters in my 
trailer constitute personal property) without a properly executed warrant.  
You'd better have one if you ever knock on MY door!

Unfortunately, government officials are quickly losing sight of the fact that 
this country is supposed to operate under a system of constitutional rights.  
The law is supposed to work both ways.  Tactics such as were employed by the 
ranger in this case are making people more aware of those rights, and some 
folks are no longer willing to be doormats for Rambos with badges.

If you have a beef with the ride organizer, serve a summons on that person 
and deal with them through the proper channel--the cour system.  There is no 
excuse for the sort of tactics displayed in this case.

Heidi Smith, DVM
1764 NE Wilcox
Terrebonne, OR   97760
AERC #937 

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