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cheap horses

I have decided there is no such thing as a cheap horse......

Alpine was given to me by some good friends.  He was at the time, 3 1/2 years 
old.  Good conformation, great energy, lousy power steering, great breaks, 
and an original trainer who was VERY abusive towards him.  First thing I did 
was invest in dressage lessons for my Paso Fino to calm him down, make him 
trust me, and work on that steering deficiency.  He's tons better now.  He 
still doesn't trust other people, but I can do about anything with him 
(except clip his left ear...go figure).  

What I didn't pay in purchase price was more than made up for in lessons, 
feed, board, feet, tack, treats, etc, etc, etc, etc.  If I had bought a 
horse, I couldn't have found one that matches my temperment as well as Alpine 
does.  Guess I'm lucky


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