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Re: RC: RE: 'cheap' horses in endurance / no $ in owning a stallion

I'd like to expand on the concept of buying culls.  I've said this before but I always feel that it hasn't really gotten through to anyone... while a cull from one area might make a good horse in another, a horse "engineered" for a sport , i.e. bred for it, raised for it and then trained & conditioned for it, is more *likely* to succeed.  Kind of like the woman who wrote in last week or the week before about her sister who runs marathons in sandals.  Sure it can be done, but  if you're looking to buy footwear for running, odds are running shoes are going to work better. 

Not enough people have been breeding for endurance long enough, with enough of their horses out on the endurance trail to know yet about how that breeding is working out.  But I think the principals of breeding for performance, while not perfected, are still sound enough to presume that that route has got to be better than buying culls.  Lif

Lif & Paul Strand
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