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Re: RC: EQUIFresh Electrolytes

At 06:55 PM 4/11/00 -0700, Karen wrote:

At 05:05 PM 04/11/2000 -0700, Dawna Bynum-Boyd wrote:
...EQUIFresh palatable electrolyte tables are easy to administer and 95% of
horses eat them free-choice when offered by hand....

I'd be willing to bet money that my horses wouldn't eat them at a ride.

I'll bet they eat them like crazy at home & don't eat them at rides if you didn't bring any paste electrolytes with you.  By the way - I read that list of ingredients - there's a lot of stuff in them but what about the electrolytes?  What's the balance there - wonder if the label or literature says. 

Can't we just use pretzels or potato chips for electrolytes?  Our horses eat them just fine any old time & they have lots of salt in them & we can get them at any old gas station or convenience store.  Lif

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