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Re: TrailBlazer Mag.

   I received my TrailBlazer Mag Friday, April 7 and have only read my
favorite article so far... "Making Weight".
  We went on a Florida Whips Combined Driving Event Saturday.  It was our
first drive with Spirit the "Spook".  He didn't like the look of all that
machinery following those other horses down the trail.  I guess it is good
for him to still be wearing blinders so he doesn't see what's following HIM
down the trail.  Pulling a cart with 2 people in it, through deep sand, and
up some hills, is going to give this Morgan a tough little endurance butt.
  Hope you all get your TB's soon, so you will be able to find out what
squirrels and snakes have to do with TOP-TEN-ing.
  Sherman, in the north Florida backwoods community of Gainesville.

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