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debbie zanot
Just read the April 3, U.S. News. Very depressing and somewhat frightening.
"Last month,researchers in New York found domant mosquitoes
infected with the West Nile Virus and a red-tailed hawk felled by the disease.
That suggests the virus survived the winter."
No mention in the article of how it affects horses and with
our sport being a "traveling sport" this becomes very
ominious indeed. 
Horses are required to have a current negative coggins
test to stop the threat of disease but will there be mandatory
WNV testing?? There is no vaccine to immunize against it
and how big does the threat have to be for horses before
there will be mandatory WNV testing?
These are real questions that need to be thought upon.
I am not a very worldy person so I seek advise from such
people. When and  should we make a decesion to cancel our
ride in July??
Do we need to encourage the states that are at risk from
WNV to insist upon a negative WNV before horses are allowed to
cross state lines or do we just leave the responsiblity
to their authorities?
I have enough paranoia for all ridecampers out there in 
ridecamp land and you really don't want me to share
THOSE thoughts.

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