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Student wants horses to ride in Conneticut

My niece is going to be attending Yale for two years beginning August. She is 
looking for someone who has horses nearby (to Yale) that she might ride 
occasionally. She says she probably won't be able to ride more than twice a 
month, and just for a few hours at that. She is a superb rider, very reliable 
and trustworthy, and a good horsewoman. She is in her early 30s and has been 
riding OUR endurance horses for many years (she lives nearby and rides here 
on weekends). She has competed in all distances, including 100s. If anyone is 
interested in having her exercise a horse a couple of times a month, please 
call her; Laurel Harlamoff at 831-465-0479 (central coast CA). She can also 
be reached through her dad's e-mail:  She's going to be 
doing graduate work towards becoming a licensed Physician's Assistant and 
will desparately need to get on a horse and out on a trail occasionally.


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