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At 07:37 PM 3/6/00 -0500, someone wrote:
<horse related conversation when ever possible...someone else is often slipping in praises of her talented farrier husband...>

Maggie responded:

We don't know everything but we share what we do and try to learn from others what we don't....if preferred, I will keep replies private in the future.

Well heck, Maggie's posts might be braggin' sometimes (although not usually), but as far as advertising her husband's business, I hardly think what she posts qualifies.  I mean, I'm not about to haul my horse the 1000+ miles to get a shoing just because of what Maggie writes & I bet most people aren't thinking about even hauling 100 miles to get their horse shod by Maggie's husband.  I'd hate for Maggie & others with valuable info to share to stop doing so! 

Remember, there's always DELETE DELETE DELETE to take care of problem posts.  Lif

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