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RE: Tell me why not

You add excess magnesium to this mix, and you have a formula for
developing enteroliths.


-----Original Message-----
From: softride []
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 1:56 PM
Cc: ridecamp
Subject: RC: Tell me why not

We have fed straight alfalfa for the last 35 years to our endurance and
dressage horses with no problem.   We also feed wheat bran to off set
the high calcium ratio. 

I have no scientific data to back this up, other than the good healthy
horses over the years. 
But I do think it is important to weight each feeding so the horses
don't get more food than they need.  Especially of Alfalfa. 

On another note.   It is spring in a lot of areas now, and spring is
coming to the other areas. 

Watch out for FOUNDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Rebecca--Underwood Enterprizes--1-541-826-9668--Oregon 
Home of the Treeless Saddles and other quality horse/mule/donkey and pet

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