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Re: Dirty Gray Horse


Don't feel like you are the only one.  You can see the look
in my gray geldings eyes.  He waits till he knows I am watching
then picks the muddiest spot in the pasture and wallows in. I live
in N. Carolina, the land of red clay!! My beautiful gray horse 
has a permanent dirty red mane and tail!!! and looks like a pig.
Guess he is happy through, he loves the mud.

Julie and (yuk) Festive

At 08:54 PM 1/19/98 -0500, wrote:
>All this talk about clean houses (no, I don't have one although I
>sometimes wish for one..) got me thinking about my filthy horse.  My
>mare poops and pees all over the place in her stall, walks around
>spreading it then lays down in it.  I recently built a run off of her
>stall hoping she would take care of elimination in one place and sleep
>in the other.  Wrong.  She still poops, pees and sleeps in the stall. 
>She's gray so her swine-like behavior really shows up.  Ideas?  I know
>SOME horses are actually neat in their stalls.
>Karen & Anna
>Ormond Beach, Fl  (When will it dry up around here?)

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