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non-endurance / but scarey

Folks, sorry to clutter the list with non-endurance related info but this
gentle woman, Doris, could use your help if you happen to live in the
Tucson,AZ area.  She is a horse person interested in distance riding and her
horses have been 'attacked' in the past.

PLEASE don't respond to ridecamp, I don't have much more information that
what's here.  Thanks for your patience.

Our daughter forwarded this to us from the CTR list, Doris bought the bay
mare we had for sale a year ago, she's an extremely nice, well educated
professional lady, we've read lots of her posts when we were on the CTR
(competitive trail riding) list and she loves her animals very deeply.  i'd
like to get this out to as many animal lists as I can so maybe people in her
general area (or, heck, even out of her area) could maybe apply a little
pressure to the proper places (law enforcement agencies etc).  we forwarded
her email to the newspapers in Phoenix and Tuscon as well as CNN in hopes of
getting her some attention.

karen clanin

>>Around the 18 of December I received another piece of eerily threatening (a
>>la Steven King) hate mail.  Although I try to keep my life cheerful when it
>>comes to my animals, I have been singled out, stalked, harassed,  and
>>terrorized by someone I tried to assist back in 1995.  Someone who, in
>>fact, has tried to enflame an entire community to help her in her psychotic
>>and delusional obsession; even though I am not now nor have I ever been the
>>author of her problems.
>>After I forwarded the hate mail to law enforcement, it was but a few days
>>before my wonderful dog Freckles and two of his companions were poisoned.
>>That was this last Sunday evening and Monday morning.  Coincidence?  Maybe.
>>But certainly bears looking into.
>>Freckles died after hundreds of siezures which could not be controlled in
>>time.  He was an Aussie shepherd who had been given to me as a gift to
>>protect my livestock from human predation way back in 1995, when the
>>terrible animal mutilations and killings first began.  Ironic huh!
>>In addition to Freckles they got Sweet Pea, a rescued half-blind fox
>>terrier who had been with me for several years.  They also poisoned
>>Frederick the Great (Freddie), my little mini-schnauser.
>>Sweet Pea is okay.  He always was a timid eater and that probably is what
>>saved his life.
>>Fred always was a voracious eater.  He dumped the contents of his ample
>>breakfast (which I did not provide) in front of me while I was on the
>>computer Monday morning.  That is probably what saved HIS life.
>>Immediately after he did this he began the same discoordination I had seen
>>with Sweet Pea.  By the time I rushed Freddie to the vet, he was siezing
>>the way Freckles had just before he died.
>>The people at Mesquite Veterinary Hospital in Catalina really did a valiant
>>job of bringing Freddie through.  By 6 pm Monday night, he was still
>>starting to sieze whenever the valium he was being given wore off.  His
>>temperature was being kept up to deathly cold with hot water bottles and
>>heating pads.  He was getting rehydrated, charcoaled, etc. in an attempt to
>>counteract the effects of a poison which had not yet been identified.
>>Because there was no night staff at the hospital I elected to take Freddie
>>home and care for him closely myself.  It was a little touch and go to be
>>sure he was hydrated enough to make it through the night but they managed
>>to inject enough fluid under the skin to give him a good "camel hump" for
>>absorbtion during the night.
>>At the time I took him home no one knew whether he would even live till
>>morning.  It was my job to keep him comfortable and to administer the

>>valium which would keep him from tearing himself apart and destroying his
>>brain with siezures.
>>I carried the little guy home in a laundry basket and put him up in my
>>great big king sized bed with me.  When he woke up a little bit his legs
>>would immediately start motoring and I would have to give him more valium.
>>I 'd thrown  all my socks and underwear out of my dresser drawer onto the
>>floor, put the drawer on the bed, lined it with an elaborately flowered
>>plastic shower curtain, and padded that with terry towels right out of the
>>linen closet...and a feather pillow for him to cuddle up to.
>>But with the little energy he had, Freddie crept out of the drawer  coming
>>to rest against my side.  Sampson, my grey tabby cat always liked Freddie
>>and seemed to know what to do.  He crept up onto Fred's side and perched
>>there as if to keep warming him up with body contact.  Minnie Mouse took
>>her cue from Sampson and stretched out full length along the remaining
>>side.  Freddie had the "hot water bottes" the veterinarian had recommended.
>>They purrred for him throughout the night.   Sweet Pea, the wandering fox
>>terrier who had come to my farm half-blind some years ago, did what he
>>could to snuggle Freddie whenever there was space; and he also got up in
>>Freddie's face licking him as though to remind him to keep on keeping on.
>>I guess I finally realized I had to sleep and so I tied a bathrobe belt
>>around Freddie's middle and tied the other end to my wrist.  With the
>>confidence that I could keep track of him if he started a siezure, I
>>drifted off to sleep for an hour at a time.
>>In the morning a still-alive Freddie was carried back to the veterinarian.
>>We discovered right away that he was now blind.   But we'd made progress.
>>He'd left in a basket the previous night and he was able to totter a few
>>unbalanced steps.
>>Now a new effect was a problem when I took him home.  He was ":motoring"
>>around the house non-stop as though this was a part of the siezure
>>behavior.  Knocking him out with a safe amout of valium only lasted about
>>20 minutes so I tried non-stop love.  I held him in my arms and would
>>stroke him until he would relax and go back to sleep.  His temperature went
>>up and down like a roller coaster but gradually normalized.
>>By New Year's Eve, Freddie was able to walk into the veterinarian's office
>>even if he couldn't see.
>>And today, New Year's Day, it looks like Freddie just might be getting his
>>sight back.
>>Tomorrow we go for an exam again.  I don't kid myself  that Freddie will
>>ever be the same.  He seems to be having something like a new kind of
>>siezure in which he merely "goes away" by standing still without seeing,
>>hearing or moving for the duration of the episode.
>>But he is ALIVE!
>>All over the United States (but not in Catalina) some wonderful people who
>>heard about this from another source, are trying to find me an Australian
>>Shepherd  stock dog to take his place guarding me, being my loyal
>>companion, and helping me with the management of the goats and horses.
>>What is really amazing is that total strangers are coming out of the
>>woodwork to find a dog they can GIVE me.
>>As one person put it," No dog can ever replace Freckles."  But we can try
>>to find you one who will be by your side and who you can learn to love."
>>If you would like to help me and my endangered horses, goats, and remaining
>>dogs, please call or write Sheriff, Pima County Sheriff's Department,
>>Tucson, Arizona;
>> Pima County Attorney's Office Tucson, Arizona
>>(Please also write: Sheriff, Maricopa County Sheriff's Department, Phoenix,
>>Arizona (that is the county from which the signed hate mail originates)
>>And, Grant Wood, Attorney General State of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona
>>Since 1995 I have had at least 20 animal mutilations, tortures, and deaths
>>which have not been from wild predation or natural causes.
>>Got the time?  Give me a hand.
>>  My experience has been that agencies do their work much better when they
>>are reminded that the world is watching.  Let them know, please.
>>Doris Woods at Gentle Path Farm  Tucson,Arizona, U.S.A.
>>  The Catalina Sunrise Home page:
>>For The Love of Horses:
>>Mac 6300 32mg RAM Netscape 3.01, Eudora 3.01

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