Very well said. That's something that I try to remind myself of
constantly (since I own my own business, and it's sometimes hard to
remember that the customer IS always right :).
> Due to conducting a lot of business over the internet, I appreciate hearing
> about the good and the not so good about different vendors and their
> products. I feel it is being an informed consumer. It also keeps the
> venders above board....... honest......and forth right.
I also like to hear both good and bad things about tack vendors. Let's
face it -- we spend a heck of a lot of money on our riding stuff, and
very few of us are independently wealthy, and most of us live so far
apart that we don't have many opportunities for eyeballing and testing
the things that we are all using. Without going overboard and getting
into legal difficulties (or getting Steph in trouble :), I think that this
forum is a great place to learn from the experiences of others, and I
hope this Sandy-OF incident won't make others leery of speaking up.
Glenda & Lakota (more tack! new tack! I want more new tack!)