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Re: [RC] Re: Gu/PowerGel

How many how often?

Human's can tolerate about 300 kcal/hour during their own exercise, so our
rule of thumb was not more than 3/hour.  However, I am not sure what our
level of intensity is during endurance riding (actually something I have in
mind to work on in the field this year) so it could be more.

Also, GU washed down w/gatorade is a bad mixture gastrointestinally.  Thogh
gatorade is 6% carbohydrate, they use a fair amount of fructose making it
osmotically dense & that combination of GU & gatorade can be  gut ache
waiting to happen.  A better combo is GU & a car/electrolyte drink that has
more malotdextrin & less fructose (e.g. cytomax).

Cheers, suns up horses are fed, time to school April is coming fast!


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