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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:34:48 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] 1886 Endurance Ride Story--Texas to Vermont - Heidi Smith

    > Do you know something about this guy beyond what
    > the preamble to the story says?  I'd never heard of
    > him before.  What do you know?  Where can I
    > find it out, too?
    Sorry, I don't have a good source for info about him--he's just one of those
    folks I've heard about most of my life and have greatly admired.  The
    Ravndals, the original breeders who mentored me, used to talk about his
    accomplishments and quote stuff about him, and historian that Velma Ravndal
    was, I imagine she had references about him.  I was just sick when her
    extensive equine library (including many rare and out-of-print books) was
    dispersed at a family yard sale after her death....  <sigh>  Haven't tried
    an internet search....
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    [RC] 1886 Endurance Ride Story--Texas to Vermont, Linda B. Merims
    Re: [RC] 1886 Endurance Ride Story--Texas to Vermont, Heidi Smith
    Re: [RC] 1886 Endurance Ride Story--Texas to Vermont, Linda B. Merims