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    Re: [RC] Horse size, Rider Size, weight, trivia, training and observations - Sullivan

      I know with our 2 y.o.
    > Irish Sport horse, he's going to be around 16 h and he's as tall as some
    > the other horses in the field.  Another year he will look grown up, but
    > still be developing.  My wife's Dressage instructor already wants to start
    > him lunging (longeing? how is that word spelled?).  We are refusing
    > joints and such aren't fully formed.
    > Charles
    I agree totally, as it seems lunging on a circle would put a lot of stress
    on the joints. Personally , I see no reason for the lunging either.  What
    would be much more effective is ponying from another horse, or driving.
    With either, you can work on voice commands.  But I sure would do something
    for exercise!  Mild exercise will help develop those joints and balance.
    Taking him out in the world will help too.
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    Re: [RC] Horse size, Rider Size, weight, trivia, training and observations, Bette Lamore
    Re: [RC] Horse size, Rider Size, weight, trivia, training and observations, Charles