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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:32:34 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Breed Profiling Gold Country - Dana B.

    Wow, I was stunned to read this.  Everyone at the Gold Country Ride was soooooo nice!  I rode a horse that is even more "weird" than Viola's:  an itty bitty 13.2H Paso Fino.  Not only is she tiny, she doesn't even trot!  Everyone, including and I would even say especially the vets (for whom she makes lameness evaluation a challenge) was super nice about her being different. 

    I'm really sorry Viola had this experience - could she have misunderstood tongue-in-cheek ribbing for an actual slam?  This was my third ride on my little Paso and I have had some teasing about her, but it was all in good fun.

    Dana and Marcha de Vison, the pocket rocket

    From: ktrothwl@xxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC] Breed Profiling Gold Country

    OK guys we know Arabs excel at these distance events but other breeds can do it too... . I hope that in the future we can welcome all breeds and new participants with open, encouraging arms. Viola is 19 and has a lifetime of competing ahead of her. I hope that she decides to compete again, despite some of the negativity she experienced with regards to her choice of mount.
    Tara Rothwell

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