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RE: Breeding:

If you research the stats on what percentage of foals bred for racing even
get to the track you would see why there are so many horses available for
endurance. Then if you add in those that do not make it in the money, well,
then there is an additional bunch.

I know that in TB racing less than 7% of those bred, reach the track and
earn money!

Bob Morris

-----Original Message-----
From: Truman Prevatt, Ph.D. []
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 6:15 PM
Cc: Ridecamp
Subject: RC: Breeding:

Lif, I think you answered your own question. Race breeders produce a lot
more horses than they will ever need because if a great race horse is
one of 100 good race hores, you'll breed 500 and let the cream rise to
the top. Probably the same is true for show horses.

The rest are culls. They may be great horses but they are not the cream
of the racing world, or show world or whatever. So as they concentrate
on their cream, they have no reason to feed the other 490, so they have
to go for bargin basement prices or to the killers - whichever produces
more revenue.

Not a pretty picture but basic horse economics. Sad but true. I would
suspect if all "endurance breeders" disappeared today, there would still
be pleanty of good endurance horses around and the times would still be
going down as the horses and people "got better."


> So if no one ever wants to pay for a brand new truck or home, then the
> manufacturers won't make any more, there won't be any used ones to buy at
> the lower prices, and there won't be any affordable ones for those that
> can't buy the new ones, right?  Simple economics, and that's OK with me.
> HOWEVER, what also has been said in this list is that people don't think
> anyone needs to breed for endurance, because showring/track/whatever culls
> will do just fine.  So I further ask, if everyone wanted family cars but
> one wanted to pay for brand new ones, and the manufacturers stopped making
> them, would everyone be really happy driving Mac trucks to the grocery
> OK, forget that question even.  My last question is:  Why in the world
> should a "used" horse, one presumably with more training, more experience,
> cost less?  The young, inexperienced horse is like the raw materials.  The
> finished product should cost *more* - but not with horses apparently.  It
> makes no sense.  No wonder so many people involved with horses are broke.

Truman Prevatt
Mystic “The Horse from Hell” Storm
Buck's Mystic Karma
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame - hey dad I'm well now and ready to go!

Brooksville, FL

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