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Tie Systems

Wendy Merendini
I had been thinking about getting one of the tie systems when
thanks to Nancy and Gary James (of Tralor Tie) and thanks to my Flikka I received a TraLor Tie for BC at the Norco Riverdance ride.  (Thanks to Lynne too)

I really like the TraLor tie that I have.  I used it for
the first time at the Death Valley Encounter and it worked 
really well.  Flikka spent about 30 minutes snorting at it but
once she figured out how much freedom she had she was fine with 

It is nice to be able to pull up at a ride, swing the tie out
attach horse and be done - no putting up corrals!  Here in SCal
I see a lot of them at rides.  I would recommend them.

Wendy Merendini
& Fire Mt. Flikka

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