Owyhee Endurance Horse Training and Conditioning

Boarding Contract


Steph Teeter . 15401 Bates Creek Rd, Oreana, ID 83650      Date __/__/____


Phone: 208 834 2788             Cell: 208 250 8636   Fax: 209 755 8107   Email: steph@endurance.net



Name_______________________  Phone H(   )_____________  Wk(   )__________________

Cell or pgr (   )____________________  e-mail______________________________________

Address_________________________________  City____________  St_________ Zip_____

Horse’s Name______________________  Age_____  Breed_________ Coggins Date__/__/__


Proof of NegativeCoggins and Health Permit required for all horses.

Transportation to Oreana will be arranged or provided by owner.



BOARDING FEES – Basic Board*: $150/month





I________________________ do hereby hold harmless Diane Avery, Steph Teeter and John Teeter of any and all liability for any and all injuries that may occur to me, my horse, or people I may bring to this property.  In the event that my horse is ill or in need of immediate attention from a qualified veterinarian, I hereby release Diane Avery, Steph or John Teeter, to request a veterinarian (Idaho Equine Hospital, Nampa Idaho) for emergency treatment of my horse.

*Emergency veterinarian fees not to exceed ____________ unless approved by owner.


 Board and/or training fees are due on the 1st of each month and payable to Steph Teeter. 

Check or Credit Card accepted




Signed this  ___  day of   ______,   20_____                                                                                                  













Owyhee Endurance Horse Training and Conditioning

Training Contract


Diane Avery . 15401 Bates Creek Rd, Oreana, ID 83650 .  Date __/__/____


Phone: 208 834 2788    Cell: 208 250 8636 



Name_______________________  Phone H(   )_____________  Wk(   )__________________

Cell or pgr (   )____________________  e-mail______________________________________

Address_________________________________  City____________  St_________ Zip_____

Horse’s Name______________________  Age_____  Breed_________ Coggins Date__/__/__


Proof of NegativeCoggins and Health Permit required for all horses.

Transportation to Oreana will be arranged or provided by owner.



TRAINING/CONDITIONING FEES – Basic agreement *: $350/mo







I________________________ do hereby hold harmless Diane Avery, Steph Teeter and John Teeter of any and all liability for any and all injuries that may occur to me, my horse, or people I may bring to this property. 


Training/conditioning fees are due on the 1st of each month payable to Diane Avery. 




Signed this  ___  day of   ______,   20_____