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spooky arabs--one more thought

In addition to all the the other excellent points about arabs--their
sensitivity, 'imagination', etc--here is one more thought to consider:  We
actively seek to acquire and ride "athletic" horses--we select many of our
horses based on this attribute.  Personally, I feel that the 'spookier' of
my two purebred arabs is simply demonstrating his superior athletic
ability--he just responds to stimulus faster than his less athletic
partner.  In other words, when Tico sees a potential 'horse eater', he has
a nanosecond to evaluate it before the flight reflex kicks in;  Mooch on
the other hand has levitated before the sensory input has even reached
whatever brain he has, let alone been processed!  On the other hand, he
seems to realize while airborne that it was OK, change his mind about the
shy, land briefly and teleport back to his starting position immediately,
so it's not like we have a PROBLEM with this!  So--guess which horse is the
better competitor? and which horse is the pleasanter ride.......?

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