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RE:newcomers to the sport

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From: Ellisa Johnson 

I have to agree with you completely.  I was brought up in the sport and also find it very disturbing the amount of ignorance newcomers have.  Luckily for me, I had wonderful teachers, such as Frank Bennet, Smokey Killen, Susie Kelly, Cheryl Casdorph, Cindy Collins,Tom Goton, Barbie Bellamak and so on.  Unfortunatley with such a huge influx of new riders, it seems they are feeding off of each others lack of knowledge.  I remember the day when the first place horse almost alway's won B.C., not the 10th place.  I feel ride management and veterinarians need to step up to the plate and really start regulating the horses.  Recently this last year I was witness to a terrible event.  A horse died right next to me just 15-20 minutes past the finish of a ride.  The sad part is that I had informed a water checkpoint and the last vet-check that there was a horse in trouble on the trail.  How this animal was allowed to pass the last vet-check is beyond me, but when he came into camp and died right next to my horse and myself I was so disgusted that I didn't even stay for the awards, I packed up and drove home immediately.  There needs to be stricter regulations on the rides.  Wheather p&r's should be lower to make people slow down, or wheather AERC needs to introduce some sort of level of completion before an animal is allowed to top ten, something needs to be done.  

I'm sorry if I have stepped on any toes, but I've been riding endurance for 17yrs and have never had to have medical attention to any of my animals.  I just can't stand to see the cruelty in with which some of theses magnificant creatures have been treated with.  

Golden Sunset Arabian Ranch

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