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Breakfast List -- FINAL Final Edition

Oops...I sent the previous post and forgot to make a couple of changes that
came in since I reinstalled my new computer.  So THIS is the LAST post on
the breakfast!!  (I hope! ;-))


THE LIST (as of 2/21/1999 9:50am PST)  

Name:						Breakfast:
Monika Smith; Calgary, Alberta 		yes Sat		
Eric and Gail Hought; McKinleyville, Ca.    if early			
Bob Morris; Boise, Idaho			
Joe and Kay Long; Colorado Springs, Co.				
Kate and Mary Burgess; Bozeman, Mt.	      	yes both
Linda-Cathrine Layman; Tacoma, Wa.		yes Sat	
Susan G & David			    	yes both 		
Paddi Sprecher					yes Sat		
Trish Dowling					yes Sat
Lynne Glazer & 2 friends			yes both
Pat Fredrickson; Red Bluff, CA
Linda Parrish; Kennard, Tx.
Mike Maul
Lauren & Alan Horn; San Juan Capistrano, Ca.	Fri 2 Sat 1
Linda Cowles; Gilroy, Ca.			yes both
Lovell; Mack, Co.				yes both
Karen Steenhof; Boise, Idaho			yes Fri
Sue Norris and husband
Teddy Lancaster & Ed Paige
Barb Thomas & 2 friends			yes Fri
Bobbie Lieberman				yes
Debbie Whaley; Prineville, Or.		       maybe both
Toni Jones, & Suzy York; Prineville, Or.      maybe both
Linda & Allen Eisele; Nevada
Patty Gaglioti & John Saunders; Carmel Valley, Ca. yes
Drin Becker; Montana				yes both
Anne Kennedy; Bozeman, Montana			yes both
Joane White & hubby, Gary Lyon			yes both 
Dale & Jenny Lyon				yes both
Sue & Steve Brown; Marysville, Wa.		yes both
Karen Chaton, Gardnerville, Nevada		maybe
Lari Shea & friend Harvey, Fort Bragg, Ca.   yes F maybe S
Susan Kasemeyer				maybe
Carol Wingate DVM; Illinois			yes both
Cynthia & Ramey Peticolas-Stroud; Lyons, Or.
Nikki Reynolds; Fallon, Nv.			yes Sat
Genie Wunderlich				yes Fri
Potato Richardson & friend			yes both
Pat Oliva					yes both
Rita Schlim + 2 friends; Fremont, Ca.		yes Fri
Rita Schlim + 4 friends			yes Sat
Brian & Valerie Hewitt & friend; Reno		yes Fri
Tracy Stampke; Hill City, ID			yes both
Gesa Brinks + 3; Nuevo, Calif.			yes both
Becky Hackworth 				yes Fri
Steph & John Teeter
Terry Woolley Howe 			       mtg./maybe
Sharon Johnson				        maybe		
Patricia Henslee & husband; Kettle Falls, Wa.
Jennifer Layman; Menlo Park, Ca.	       	yes Sat
Sheri Kuykendall & Bryan Johnson		yes both
Jennifer Heim & Doug Mallory			yes
Becky & Danny Harris; Ohio			yes
Jim & April Mitchell + 2			yes
Lynge Simoni & cousin, Jan Snyder		yes both
Jack & Pat Massey and grandson			yes both
Mary Fields					yes Fri
Brian Reeves					yes Sat
John Parke & wife; Solvang Ca.			yes both
Susan Brehm					yes both
Karen Schwartz					yes
Tammy & Charlie Robinson			yes Sat
Bev Albright					yes Sat
Connie Berto					yes both
Tony & Nancy Corbelletta			yes both
Heidi Smith, DVM & Paul 			yes both
Kirsten Price Foruria; Reno, Nv.		yes both
Maryben Stover, San Jose, CA			maybe
Roberta Harms					yes both
Phil & Joan Rash, Leatherwood Mountains, NC	maybe
Donna & Jack Brow; McKinleyville Ca.		yes both
C. Mike Tomlinson				no - mtg
Phil & Joan Rash, Leatherwood Mountains	yes both
Laney Humphrey					yes Sat
Bernita & Jerry Barfield			yes both
Debby Lyon					yes Sat
Chuck & Marci Cunningham			yes Fri
Karen Sullivan; Kelseyville,Ca. 		yes Fri
Tammy Stucki; Kelseyville,Ca.			yes Fri
Leslie Murgatroyd; Kelseyville,Ca.		yes Fri
Jim & April Mitchell +1 or 2			yes Fri
Valerie & Chris Newson				yes both	
Stephanie Palmer				yes both
Virginia Ware; Kuna, Idaho			yes Sat
Dianna Chapek (weather depending)		maybe
Cindy Bell; Greenville, Florida		yes both
Roger Rittenhouse			  yes Fri, maybe Sat
Alison Dunn & friend, Ann Saggio		yes both
Myna Cryderman					yes both
Nancy DuPont & George Cardinet 		yes both
Ted and Joan Ruprecht				yes Sat

Approximate total at breakfast per day:  (The "plus or minus" takes into
account the "maybe"s, the undesignated days, and those who may not show.)

Friday --  75 + or - a couple 		
Saturday - 70 + or - a couple	

Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.

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