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Re: Black Hills First Annual Star Ride

Isa, thank you for the notice about your July 4th Ride,
> Hi there,
> Plenty Star Ranches is a guest and horse camping ranch in the Black
> Hills in South Dakota and wants to invite everybody to explore our
> beutiful mountains and parks.
> You can join in an Old West cattle drive this spring or fall and we are
> planning a fun event on July 4th 1999 for trail riders. It is called
> "Black Hills First Annual Star Ride" with awards for the the longest
> trail to the ranch, the biggst group, the youngest and the oldes rider
> etc. We offer a Poker Ride that day and also a Fun Obstical Course.
> Check out our web page:
> Thanks for posting it
> Isa
> *********************************
> Plenty Star Ranches
> John & Isa Kirk
> P.O.Box 106
> Pringle, SD 57773, USA
> Phone/Fax 605-673-3012
> *********************************

Your posting is probably most appropriate for the Ridecamp email list,
which I have cc'd on this reply.  It's a bit off topic for the Tevis
Ride Bulletin Board, but if you don't mind, I have added you as a vacation
Stopover location on another horsey web site that I maintain,

Thanks again for the information about your ranch and ride.

/Richard Goodwin, Tevis Webmaster

    Natalie's Barn & Breakfast -- a B&B for Horses ...and their Riders  (530) 637-4644  or tollfree 1-877-NATBARN

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