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RE: Re: IMPORTANT TRAIL ISSUE: Forest Service public rulemaking process

To all who care!!!

This issue is very important to trail users and in particular endurance
riders. There are however, important regional differences in each state.
That makes it extremely difficult to endorse any part of the program.

Here in Idaho we are concerned about any more w(W)ilderness and this
non-roaded/roadless proclamation is creating defacto wilderness. Idaho is
second to only Alaska in this type of area. Endurance competition is not
allowed in wilderness areas. One of the local areas under consideration is
where we hold some rides! It is logged over land and holds the only
designated four wheel drive road in this part of the state.

Acceptance of the proposal becomes difficult when the maps of the proposed
withdrawals are examined. The Agency's (USFS) cartographers worked hard to
draw the lines around mining claims, bordering within feet of the roads they
wanted kept and other such things. All in all, it just is a poor decision
for us in Idaho.

Just this morning the local paper brought forth there is an additional
effort being made by some groups for more wilderness here in Idaho. To
declare several million acres more!  The interesting thing is, while
declaring these areas closed to certain types of activities, the banned
activities MUST find some other place to exist. That means greater impact on
the few remaining places allowed. That cascades to the advantage of those
persons advocating closures. They then point to the heavy impact areas left
and declare the activities as extremely detrimental. Very vicious circle and
we all get hurt.

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID

-----Original Message-----
From:	Dyane Smith []
Sent:	Sunday, December 19, 1999 10:28 PM
Cc:	Ridecamp
Subject:	RC:  Re: IMPORTANT TRAIL ISSUE: Forest Service public rulemaking

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 1999 8:08 PM
Subject: RC: Sunday's Headlines!
> > Clinton, before leaving office Jan. 20, 2001, has pledged to change the
> management of millions of acres of public lands, largely in the West.   We
have been discussing Trails and this represents 40 to 60
> million acres of trails that could potentially be closed to any type of
> competitive event be it CTR or     Endurance.

The Forest Service is conducting a national scoping process to evaluate
public comment on several proposed rule changes.  These rules concern a plan
to limit new roads in areas which have previously been designated
"roadless".  To quote an 11/10/99 "Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement", "This proposed rule is designed primarily
to better manage the existing national forest road system.  It would also
establish new procedural requirements to help managers make more informed
decisions concerning entry into roadless areas."

The deadline for public comment is TOMORROW.  If anyone is interested, I
would encourage them to visit the website set up by the Forest Service to
address this issue and also for anyone interested to write and ask for more
time for public comment.  The fact that the period for comment has occurred
during Thanksgiving and Christmas has caught a lot of groups unprepared to
offer substantive response.  The roadless area rule website is:

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