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Re: body fat and performance

In a message dated 12/17/99 1:08:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< adipose stores very little water.  That is the whole theory behind 
 methods of body water analysis, like bioelectrical impedance.  Lean 
 tissue is mostly water vs adipose which has very little. >>

That does make a certain amount of sense, but clinically, it seems that the 
animal with just a bit of body fat DOES keep himself far better hydrated than 
the one that does not.  Could well be that the body condition simply 
correlates with other factors that reflect good health.  And of course, the 
horse who keeps a bit of fat even when fit also tends to be the same horse 
that keeps his gut full--so it may well only be that the fatter horse on 
average has a better colonic reserve, too.


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