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Re: RC: Re: one of your type discussions on ridecamp now
In a message dated 12/16/99 12:53:41 AM Pacific Standard Time, Tivers writes:
<< And GI function has nothing to do with energy metabolism, which is the
subject at hand. The questin is, given a choice, which source of energy will
muscle use first and foremost--and to the exclusion of other forms of
substrate? The answer is..., well, you already know. The second question is,
given no choice, which energy source is vital? The answer is the same. So,
is it not logical to ensure that there is an abundance of the preferred, and
vital, substrate???? >>
Then why, in the NORMAL horse, is there mixed use of substrates--with nearly
half of the energy coming from VFA's? The horse doesn't just say--oops, I'm
outta glucose, time to use the VFA's. Nope--he uses them continuously, along
WITH the glucose. And if he has MORE VFA's, it means the carbs will go
farther, too. This is not an either-or thing, Tom. This is a harmony in
which both substrates work together.
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