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RE: Re:RC:To The Test

Title: RE: Re:RC:To The Test

I have to second Susan's comments about Mary Coleman's Amish-made blankets.  We've had ours for years and they are holding up very well.  We too have been caught in downpours where the horse was dry & cozy underneath!  We tend to order them 2" bigger than usual to allow for extra coverage in the rump in cases of extreme weather.  Today is a good example...  Scattered down pours intermingled with mist, 34* F, 20 mph winds, mud everywhere!

My only complaint is that these waterproof blankets are built to LAST!  Mary has made some nice changes since we bought ours (like gussets in the shoulders and elasticized front closures) that I want, but the OLD blankets just won't die!  My husband believes that the horse should not own more coats than he does, so...

Maybe I need to buy Mike some coats!  :-)

Linda Flemmer
West Virginia

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Willis []
Subject: RC: Re:RC:To The Test

Mary -

Put to the TEST is exactly right for us here in the Pacific Northwest -
it was snowing flakes as big as chicken feathers when i went to work and

that promptly turned to a torrential downpour of big rain drops - not
typical at all for our area....we usually get a non-stop drizzle for
days. This morning when I checked my horses both were drenched but under

the blanket is warm and DRY!!

Thank you again!!

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