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RE: RC: RE: Re: Cannon bones/Tendon size

Title: RE: RC: RE: Re: Cannon bones/Tendon size


Thanks for the reply.  I'm not familiar with the weight/build/cannon bone relationship so I can't extrapolate what different horses should come in at.  Do you have a formula or table that you are using?

Rosie had more "spunk" at the end of the ride than any other horse I ever rode.  I felt like I was big for her, but she didn't seem to agree.  I now have another gelding built much like Rosie, and an older boy who is an honest 15.3 1/2 H, heavily built arab, 1030 lbs, and 8 3/4" cannons.  If I hadn't seen his mother bred & him born, I would have doubted that he was a full Arab.

It's interesting how many phenotypes there can be within the breed!

As to measuring accurately, you're right!  Per my husband the engineer... Measure it with a micrometer.  Mark it with chalk.  Cut it with an ax.  There comes a point where you can only be so accurate!

Linda Flemmer

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Subject: Re: RC: RE: Re: Cannon bones/Tendon size

She would have been very close to the adequate ratio at that
measurement--when one figures an 8" minimum per 1000 lbs, an 880# horse
should have a minimum of 7.286, which is only a few hundredths of an inch
over her 7.25--and quite frankly, I doubt that you are apt to be measuring to
that level of precision.  That circumference would fit well with a moderate
build.  That would not concern me at all for a "moderate" heavyweight such as
the weight you gave of 218--more than adequate.  She was carrying a fraction
less than a quarter of her own weight (not bad at all) and was right at the
point of adequate substance.


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