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we've all done dumb things

snip>> It's kind of hard to feel guilty when you
have your Tevis buckle tho..hehe. So what if I had to spend a couple of
weeks in a dazed state, smiling like a loon while popping fuzzy white pills? 

in Gardnerville
& Weaver...perfect size at 14.3 :-)
& Rocky...who got extra time off this summer cuz I couldn't get on him!


That was one heck of a story! Amazing that you did so many miles this year
- true endurance. 

Maybe I missed it, but with all these slant load horror stories, and me
getting set to buy one... can somebody post the step-by-step proper way to
load and unload. I've already done all the dumb things possible over the
years with a straight haul and would prefer to avoid same the new slant
load (step up style).

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