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Re: Great American Horse Race

Original Message-----
From:	Lori Hayward []
Sent:	Monday, January 25, 1999 11:39 AM
To:	ridecamp

Does anyone have any info about whether or not there will be another one =
in the year 2000???  This was an endurance race that was held across the =
country I belive in 1976???  I had heard a rumor that there was another =
one planned for the year 2000.  Anybody know?????


Lori Hayward=20

Tish Stoots talked about putting one on in the year 2000 , she even
advertised it either in Trail Blazer or Endurance News for a month or so .
She also patented the name  GREAT AMERICAN HORSE RACE , I believe that is
why Dave is calling his the 2001 Race . But then decided she could not get
it all together and decided not to have it last I heard .
                                  Drin & Bo
                                  S.W. Mt.

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